MicroBoards Technology - PF3-1000

Below are all the different types of MicroBoards Technology. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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GX SERIES Entry Uvel CX SERIES MM RaiiDB MX SERIES hdustrial rranti Extended Warrantie vailable Call for Info 800 646 8881 mlcroboards com The MX Series best suited for runs of large quantities features the fastest print engine and lowest cost per print Using four individual ink cartridges C M Y K it s not uncommon to produce up to 1 500 discs from one set of inks The MX 1 and MX 2 feature either one or two high speed CD DVD recorders Blu ray optional while the PF Pro is a print only option MX 1 Disc Publisher Part No MX1 1000 CD DVD Blu ray optional recorder Automated disc printer 100 disc input capacity Includes PrintWrite software Fastest inkjet disc printer on market 14 cents per full color ...